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Women in Construction

Women in Construction Committee

Women in Construction Logo

Our Women in Construction leadership meetings are a wonderful place to network with the great women in our community! Looking forward to doing extraordinary things together!

Who We Are

A group of strong, dedicated and intelligent women representing numerous businesses which impact the local construction industry.

Examples business types of these women represent:

  • Builders
  • Bankers
  • Suppliers
  • Skilled trades
Women in Construction header

Our Mission, Vision & Objectives


Drive initiatives which empower a more diversified and inclusive construction workforce for women in the Florida Panhandle


Build a foundation that breaks down barriers to entry for women in the construction industry and facilitate a solid support system of education, mentoring and networking opportunities

Key Objectives


  • Technical construction skills training for women
  • Construction management and/or “soft” skills training for women
  • Other educational training needs which may help with the barrier to entry for women

Construction Pathway:

  • Create a real pathway to move women into construction jobs

Women In Construction Support Line:

  • Create a channel/hotline/support foundation for women in construction
Call to Action


  • Existing & New BBIA Members…both Men and Women


  • HELP US to help you to empower a more diversified and inclusive construction workforce in the Florida Panhandle


  • BY spreading the word to other women about this new organization in BBIA

Interested in Learning More?

Call or email our Women in Construction Chair, Vickie Patterson at (850) 899-7767 -

Highlight your company, our industry and the awesome women within!

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